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Tanaman daun galing /cayratia trivolia

Harga aslinya adalah: Rp35.000.Harga saat ini adalah: Rp25.000.


jualJual bibit tanaman daun Galing / tanaman hidup. Nama lain daun galing yaitu cayratia trifolia Manfaat dan khasiat daun galing N untuk kesehatan dan pengobatan: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di bidang Farmakologi , Cayratia trifolia / daun galing dapat digunakan untuk mengobati berbagai macam penyakit karena kandungan senyawa kimianya memiliki efek : a. Antioxidan , dapat mengatasi radikal bebas yang berada dalam tubuh. b. Antimicrobial , dapat digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri. c Antikanker, karena dapat menyebabkan apoptosis sel dan menghambat proses mitosis. d Neuroprotektif , untuk melindungi syaraf dari penyakit degenerative, seperti Alzheimer. e Anti-inflamasi , untuk menghilangkan bengkak ( daun yang dipipis dibalurkan pada bagian yang bengkak) g. Antiviral , dapat mengobati berbagai penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus. Misalnya Flu, Herpes, HIV, dsb, dengan meminum air rebusan daun Cayratia trifolia. f Antidiabetik , dapat menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah. Anti Jamur Ekstrak Purifikasi Daun Galing (Cayratia trifolia L. Domin) Terhadap Jamur Candida albicans

Galing (Cayratia trifolia L.Domin) merupakan tumbuhan yang sering digunakan sebagai obat keputihan, kandungan dari tumbuhan

ini adalah asam hidrisinat, delphinidin, flavonoid, alkaloid, fitosterol, saponin dan tanin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk

mengetahui aktivitas antijamur dari purifikasi ekstrak daun galing terhadap Candida albicans dan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi

efektif ekstrak terpurifikasi daun galing sebagai antijamur C. albicans. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental,

dengan desain RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap). Ekstrak terpurifikasi daun galing dibuat dengan konsentrasi 10%, 20%, 30%,

kemudian dilakukan pengujian antijamur dengan metode silinder cup. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak

terpurifikasi daun galing memiliki aktivitas antijamur yakni konsentrasi 10% memiliki rata – rata zona hambat 9 mm, konsentrasi

20% memiliki rata-rata zona hambat 11 mm, konsentrasi 30% memiliki rata-rata zona hambat 15,6 mm. Berdasarkam uji statistik

ANOVA, terlihat bahwa Fhitung (98,2) > Ftabel (3,48) yang berarti perlakuan yang diuji memberikan hasil yang signifikan terhadap

pertumbuhan jamur C. albicans. Untuk uji lanjut BNT menunjukkan hasil konsentrasi 30% memiliki aktivitas antijamur C. albicans

paling efektif.

Selling fresh Galung leaves weighing 1 kg. Another name for galing leaves is cayratia trifolia Benefits and efficacy of galing leaves for health and treatment: Based on the results of research in the field of pharmacology, Cayratia trifolia / galing leaves can be used to treat various diseases because the content of chemical compounds has the following effects: a. Antioxidants, can overcome free radicals in the body. b. Antimicrobial, can be used to treat diseases caused by bacterial infections. c Anticancer, because it can cause cell apoptosis and inhibit the process of mitosis. d Neuroprotective, to protect nerves from degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. e Anti-inflammatory, to eliminate swelling ( crushed leaves are rubbed on the swollen part) g. Antiviral, can treat various diseases caused by viruses. For example, flu, herpes, HIV, etc., by drinking boiled water from Cayratia trifolia leaves. f Antidiabetic, can lower blood sugar levels. Anti Fungus Extract Purified Galing Leaf (Cayratia trifolia L. Domin) Against Candida albicans Fungus

Galing (Cayratia trifolia L.Domin) is a plant that is often used as a vaginal discharge medicine, containing plant ingredients

These are hydricinic acid, delphinidin, flavonoids, alkaloids, phytosterols, saponins and tannins. The purpose of this research is to

to determine the antifungal activity of purification of galing leaf extract against Candida albicans and to determine the concentration of

effective purified extract of galing leaves as antifungal C. albicans. The type of research used is experimental,

with a RAL design (Completely Randomized Design). The purified extract of galing leaves was made with concentrations of 10%, 20%, 30%,

Then an antifungal test was carried out using the cylinder cup method. The results showed that the extract

purified galing leaf has antifungal activity, namely a concentration of 10% has an average inhibition zone of 9 mm, the concentration of

20% had an average inhibition zone of 11 mm, the concentration of 30% had an average inhibition zone of 15.6 mm. Based on statistical test

ANOVA, it can be seen that Fcount (98.2) > Ftable (3.48) which means that the treatment being tested gives significant results to the

growth of the fungus C. albicans. For further tests, BNT showed that the concentration of 30% had antifungal activity of C. albicans

most effective.

Sell galing leaf plants or . Another name for cayratia trifo leaves is cayratia trifolia. Benefits and efficacy of N galing leaves for health and treatment: Based on the results of research in the field of Pharmacology, Cayratia trifolia / galing leaves can be used to treat various diseases because its chemical compounds have the effect: a. Antioxidants, can overcome free radicals in the body. b. Antimicrobial, can be used to treat diseases caused by bacterial infections. c Anticancer, because it can cause cell apoptosis and inhibit the process of mitosis. d Neuroprotective, to protect nerves from degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. e Anti-inflammatory, to eliminate swelling ( crushed leaves are rubbed on the swollen part) g. Antiviral, can treat various diseases caused by viruses. For example, flu, herpes, HIV, etc., by drinking boiled water from Cayratia trifolia leaves. f Antidiabetic, can lower blood sugar levels. Anti Fungus Extract Purified Galing Leaf (Cayratia trifolia L. Domin) Against Candida albicans Fungus

Galing (Cayratia trifolia L.Domin) is a plant that is often used as a vaginal discharge medicine, containing plant ingredients
These are hydricinic acid, delphinidin, flavonoids, alkaloids, phytosterols, saponins and tannins. The purpose of this research is to
to determine the antifungal activity of purification of galing leaf extract against Candida albicans and to determine the concentration of
effective purified extract of galing leaves as antifungal C. albicans. The type of research used is experimental,
with a RAL design (Completely Randomized Design). The purified extract of galing leaves was made with concentrations of 10%, 20%, 30%,
Then an antifungal test was carried out using the cylinder cup method. The results showed that the extract
purified galing leaf has antifungal activity, namely a concentration of 10% has an average inhibition zone of 9 mm, the concentration of
20% had an average inhibition zone of 11 mm, the concentration of 30% had an average inhibition zone of 15.6 mm. Based on statistical test
ANOVA, it can be seen that Fcount (98.2) > Ftable (3.48) which means that the treatment being tested gives significant results to the
growth of the fungus C. albicans. For further tests, BNT showed that the concentration of 30% had antifungal activity of C. albicans
most effective.

Informasi Tambahan

Berat 400 gram


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